Driveway Landscape Design IDEAS
Even home driveways can be designed to breath a fresh new look into something that is traditionally plain and uninteresting. Get design ideas for home driveways with help from a real estate personality, broker, writer in this free video clip.
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Hey, it’s Herman from, everyone’s favorite real estate blog out there. Alright, we got an email today from Sally. She says Herman, I just bought a house and the driveway is very plain. Do you have any design tips? I sure do, listen up. Now most driveways are in fact, very plain Jane, they’re quite pedestrian and kind of ugly right? So I would suggest you add a concrete color stain to your driveway to make it pop or even doing a cement resurfacing. That might give it a nice polished look. Another option although it’s more expensive is using stones. You can do cobblestones or brick pavers, that definitely gives it a more elegant feel. Now for a more natural look, you can line the driveway with some shrubs, some evergreens and some plants and flowers. That would be a nice contrast against the brick or the stone on the driveway. Now sometimes plants can be a little too much to handle so if you don’t have a green thumb, another way to make your driveway pop is to do landscape lighting. It’s a great way to make a very nice impressive effect on your driveway and make all your neighbors jealous of you. Alright I hope those tips help on how to make your driveway pop. Alright, this is Herman from signing off, take care.